The Ultimate Guide to the Law of Attraction: How Thoughts Shape Your Reality

eight hearts and a magnet with the letters s and n in each extreme of the magnet

Since the law of attraction is very important for the creation of our life, I would like to tell you about this subject. In this article, I hope to answer all your questions about this law.

But first of all, let's talk about our essence. We are love, energy, and light particles in constant motion, that is, we are vibration. It´s very important to be aware of this for the law of attraction.

The Mind as the Creator of Reality

Firstly, I would like to emphasize that the mind is not just a factory of thoughts, but the creator of our reality, literally! Secondly, it´s necessary to understand that since thoughts are the basis of creation, they begin to influence us from birth. In our childhood is the beginning of everything. Not to mention our past lives, but that's for another article.

It´s also no use denying that we have no trauma or saying that we are perfect physically, mentally, and/or emotionally because we are not! By the way, nobody is! If people didn't have any kind of physical, mental, and/or emotional injury, everyone would be fully aware, which is not the case!

How Thoughts Influence Every Aspect of Our Lives

Continuing the Law of Attraction… Thoughts create and influence everything about us: speaking, acting, feeling, focusing, believing, and finally vibrating. Let's talk about each one individually.

The Power of Words in Manifestation

Let us begin with the influence of thought through words. I know that we don´t always speak what we feel or what we think, but still, speaking influences creation. Thinking makes us feel good or bad, which will always influence what we say, how we act, and how we vibrate, consciously or unconsciously.

When we express ourselves in negative words, we feel worse than we felt before, and if we didn't feel bad so far, we will feel bad from then on. This feeling will create inactivity and/or destructive actions. It will also make us vibrate negatively, thus attracting unpleasant situations.

On the other hand, when we express ourselves with positive words, we create good feelings, which makes us act in a more constructive way. This attitude will make us feel better, so we will vibrate positively. As a result, we will create more enjoyable situations.

Using words and silence at the right time is very important as well. When we don’t, we feel guilty for saying what we shouldn't say or for not saying what needed to be said. This imbalance creates low vibrations. And as Samael Aun Weor said, "It's as bad to talk when we should shut up, as to shut up when we should talk."

The Connection Between Actions and Energy

Now, let's talk about acting. In all situations, we can act for or against our intended outcomes. Of course, our thoughts will determine and influence our choice.

For example, if we think we can do something, we will do our best to achieve our goal. But if we think we can't, we don't do our best or even try. With this attitude, we are already telling the universe that we have failed.

When we act on what we want to achieve, we feel capable. This feeling makes us vibrate positively. But when we act against it, we create conflicting feelings and heavy energies. These bad feelings will make us vibrate negatively. As you can understand, action is very important if we want to achieve victory.

How Feelings Shape Our Vibrations

As for feeling, I can tell you that this will determine our vibration directly. So, if we want to change it quickly, we need to change our feelings as soon as possible!

The best way to change what we are feeling at any given moment is through thoughts and actions. It’s important to have positive thoughts consciously, but that may not be enough. It’s necessary to act, too, by doing something we love to make us feel happy.

The Importance of Focus in the Law of Attraction

After this example, let's talk about focus and other relevant details about the law of attraction. When I say that we need to change our negative thoughts, it doesn’t mean that we need to create exactly the opposite thoughts to those ones.

Remember that focus is very important in creation. After all, we create what we put our attention to. For example, if we think most of the time about what we don’t have or lose, we will create more lack and loss. But if we focus on how grateful we are for what we have and want, even if we don't have it yet, we will create more feelings and situations of gratitude.

Beliefs and Their Role in Manifestation

Let's talk now about believing. We have beliefs rooted in our minds, and some are already part of our consciousness, but most were created unconsciously. Most of these were conceived of false data, received and repeated, throughout our lives.

The most obvious example is the belief about money. For example, when we believe that money is only meant for the few, that it takes a lot of effort to reach it, and that money is evil, financial abundance cannot be realized.

This belief is telling the universe that money is limited, that this person doesn't deserve it, and that he has to work hard, so he doesn't want that money to come.

How to Raise Your Vibrations for Successful Manifestation

Finally, let's talk about vibrating. As you can see, everything has a big influence on our vibration. And it’s with it that we attract and create everything around us.

I can suggest three exercises to raise your vibration as needed:

  1. Breathing Exercise: Breathe consciously and focus fully on your breathing. Thoughts cannot exist at this time. The mind must be completely empty.
  2. Body Awareness Exercise: Lie down or sit down and focus only on your body and energy. Think nothing, just feel it! Feel your palpitation and vibration.
  3. Visualization and Gratitude Exercise: Imagine what makes you happy while you focus on that feeling. You can also imagine what you want to achieve and feel everything you would feel at the moment you have reached it.

The goal is to focus on those positive feelings and feel gratitude at the same time. That way, your vibration will reach a higher level for sure!

Conclusion: The Law of Attraction in Action

It’s important to understand that the desired creation is not done in just one day. Change is possible only if we create a daily habit of positive vibration. After all, negative habits have been ingrained within us for too long.

I would also like to point out that the formation of our reality is not dependent on a single method. The expected creation results from the combination of several methods together, being executed in an organized and balanced way.

Be patient and believe in your dreams. Imagining is seeing. And if you see, it’s because it exists. Believing and trusting is the only way!

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