Simplicity: The Conductor of Love and the Key to True Happiness

Waterdrop, Drops, Water

Love is the most important of all that exists, as it´s our source of energy and our essence. Love gives us the joy and motivation to move on, but we often complicate things so much that we forget that simplicity is the driver of love. Without it, love is no longer love. That is, it ceases to exist.

It´s true ... The sky irradiated with the brightness of the sun, becomes a veil of black clouds. The complication is painful, but simplicity is liberating! When we are children, we are so simple, so joyful, so happy! We just play, smile and have fun nonstop. We don´t get caught up in the thousands of unnecessary worries. I say this, because worrying won´t help anything or anyone, but acting. Instead of preoccupying yourself, get busy and you will get everything you want. Acting, persisting and never giving up is the only path that leads to victory.

Gratitude and the Power of Simplicity

Now, the time has come to give you a real example of simplicity in life. There are those who live without electricity, without water and sometimes without food or very little. Yes, it still happens a lot today, unfortunately! How to keep love, hope, faith and happiness in those moments? In my experience, I suggest that, first of all, be grateful for everything you have. No matter the size or quantity, be grateful! Be it for the family that accompanies you, be it for the refreshing land in your bare feet, be it for the air that fills your lungs, be it for the nature that surrounds you, be grateful! And I tell you more! Be grateful for everything you want to have, even if you don't have it yet, because by being grateful you´re attracting situations that offer you more feelings of gratitude. This is the law of attraction! We create what we think, so take good care of your mind. As is evident, actions are also very important. Once we give to receive and not the other way around, give! Even if it´s just your time and attention, but give! Life is simple! And if we complicate it, we also have the power to make it uncomplicated. Only we can do it, nobody else!

Simple Ways to Increase Love in Everyday Life

The time has come to give you practical suggestions to increase love with simplicity. But, remember that everything I’m going to tell you here is based on my experience and everything needs to be done responsibly. Nothing is being imposed, only recommended! To begin, run to feel the wind on your face. Feel the liveliness and adrenaline. You can run, ride a motorcycle or ride a horse, but feel the wind. Feel the freedom, the love for life and for yourself. Feel the happiness right now! You don't need anything or anyone else. You just need yourself! You´re everything you have been looking for. Yes, everything is within you, everything!

I can also suggest to you a simple way to eliminate stress and tension or to at least reduce them, which is the following. Dance and sing for yourself but do it in a free and crazy way. It´s a simple form of self-love, but efficient! Feel the beat of the music and the different tones. Follow the music, step by step, but don't think, just flow with it. Forget everything around you. Forget that the world exists. You´re light as feathers, flying free, free, free! And being free, you can only feel the fun, the excitement and the happiness, because only you exist at that moment! I wish this moment to continue for all time inside you, sincerely!

Connect with Nature and Yourself

Here are some more suggestions. Watch the starry sky at night, feel at peace and at home. Feel the silence and, at the same time, listen to your heart. It´s at this time that your soul speaks to you! In the morning, to start the day well, look at yourself in the mirror and say that you love yourself and that you´re more than enough. Then, leave the house, embrace the trees, smell the flowers, absorb the sunlight and be grateful for the new day and the miracles that are on the way, because the universe always has good surprises in store for you. If you have the opportunity to dive in the sea, do it, otherwise, take a bath and relax your muscles with the water.

The Healing Power of Love and Kindness

Remember, too, to celebrate with your family, telling them how much you love them and how important they are to you. Never stop loving, because life is short and we never know when it will end. Live intensely, love! Be the love that you are! During the day smile a lot and don't take anything personally. Remember that all people are dealing with their own suffering and healing it, which can make them grumpy, so be patient! The best way to react is to not react, so relax and be happy in the peace that you are! Yes, you´re peace and light and each particle of light that you are can heal the others. Yes, the simplicity of love heals. Simple gestures to help someone, whether it's crossing the road, listening to what people have to say, dumping the trash to someone, preventing someone from falling, whatever, help! For love heals and to help is to love!

Love Is the Foundation of a Joyful Life

Love grows in the simplicity of life, not in mental complications, so release fear and limiting beliefs. Just be the love you are! Be happy right now! Also enjoy the sunset, energize yourself and be grateful once again for yourself, for your family, for your friends, for your life and even for the wonderful planet where we live that welcomes us in its loving cradle. Everything is so good and so special! I know that we all have many experiences in life that hurt us, but everything serves to make us wiser and more mature. We are what we are, because we lived what we lived. How can being the love that we are in the simplicity of life, bring repentance? Cannot! Repentance and pain come when we don't love and when we aren´t what we are.

Final Thoughts: Simplicity Is the True Path to Love

In conclusion, I want to tell you the following. Simplicity doesn´t need materialism or living beings to exist. Simplicity needs no excuses or conditions to be achieved. Simplicity leads us to love. The choice is yours! Will you stop living, because you have no materials, no family, no pets? Will you stop living, because you´re alone? Have you ever wondered if loneliness is real or just an illusion? After all, we are self-sustaining love, so we are always filled with the love that we are. If you cannot see or feel it, observe yourself better, because you all have the ability to do so. Feel yourself, feel your energy and see yourself as you truly are. Put aside judgments and feelings of inferiority, guilt, unworthiness and tiredness. You´re more than enough, you´re pure, you´re divine!

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